Feuille Verte

“Ahlan – Feuille Verte” is more than a usual Deken. Located in Nahr el Kalb, in the heart of the fruitful land of Inaam & Mario, mother and son, Ahlan – Feuille Verte offers you a new experience: pick, enjoy and buy the fresh produce on the spot, or sit under the lemon trees where Inaam will host you for a coffee or a sharab.
The Project
Inaam and Mario Hakim created Feuille Verte in 2012 after Mario quit his job as a computer engineer in Cotonou – Benin to join his mother in her passion for agriculture. Inaam used to sell her produce in her tiny shop at home, until Mario, with the help of his brother from abroad, to take the family business to another level. They joined the Souk el Tayeb family in
2013. Located in Sannine, Qleyaat/Rayfoun and Naher el Kaleb, their farms provide seasonal
fruits and vegetables all year long; oranges, strawberries, apples, cherries, and all kinds of greens.
With “Ahlan project”, not only Inaam and Mario’s family business was developed and given a new twist, but also, X young men & women have been given jobs in the Feuille Verte farms.
Opening hours: From Monday to Saturday 8 am till 6 pm
Address: Nahr el Kaleb – Kesserwan
Phone number: 03 285 812 – 03 422 293
Email: feuilleverte.leb@gmail.com